ToA 2018
D&D 5e DMing
Miniature Painting
❤ Best Friend
Our site claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless stated otherwise. Images and information on this blog are copyright to their respectful owners. Background art by Artlon@Deviant Art. Cursor image by Ash-No-Angel@Deviant Art. Profile art by InaWong@Deviant Art. Best friend art by KimberlySwan@Deviant Art. Talented, lovely people <3



On Saturday, June 8th at 9PM EST, G3 Charity Gaming Force and Defiant Ones WoW Guild members are co-hosting #runningofthetrolls2K19 to benefit The Trevor Project.

Run with us to help build awareness for the LGBTQ+ community and the young lives it educates and saves. 💪🏻🌈

Are you attempting to impersonate someone who’s so well known for their charity events that Blizzard made one of them an in-game holiday?

If anyone’s actually curious, here’s the info from WarcraftCares on the -actual- Running of the Trolls, associated directly with the Running of the Gnomes:

Some more clarification from the Running’s creator on all the confusion about the unauthorised events popping up:

PSA: Please keep your money safe and research the fundraising groups it goes to, as the OP has no affiliation with WarcraftCares or any of the Running’s charities. If OP has an actual desire to help raise money, I am 100% sure there are ways to get involved by volunteering for WarcraftCares, without stealing a name - an established one, which comes with it its own reputation and support base - for your own ends.

Jun 7.2019 | 2notes -
posted by:aeriyth-dawnsorrow - via
Re Anon: Can we see the public filing for the charitable donation? Does ToA operate under a Non Profit? Not that I am calling BS but I want proof



@thanidiel (for some reason I can’t tag Cake) can answer better than I can, however; ToA links people directly to a Charity of their choice on their website so people can donate directly and securely. The only other money generated is via art auctions, iirc, where the artist is compensated for their work out of pocket, and the proceeds from the auction go to charity directly. This year’s ToA hasn’t happened yet, but I’m sure if you look up last year’s charity and check you can see ToA’s donation.;jsessionid=00000000.app263a?px=3188425&fr_id=1510&pg=personal&NONCE_TOKEN=87232E7B6D9892C14291C41DEAE14728

@jasteedawnsear should know about any receipts outside of these?

These links are correct, we used MAW’s own fundraiser platform on their site for 2016, and then the Crowdrise Charity platform in 2017 and 2018. 2018 Fundraiser has not gone “live” yet, it’ll be circulated after the Opening Ceremonies when it all kicks off.

Jul 16.2018 | 3notes -
posted by:aeriyth-dawnsorrow - via

Tournament of Ages


Hello everyone! My name is Cake, one of the coordinators of Tournament of Ages and would like to address some of the comments regarding our timeline and why we have decided to approach things this way.

Tournament of Ages is something that is planned six months in advance publicly, and something coordinators start working on the day after ToA finishes. Even if just small notes we scribble down, or ideas we throw at one another throughout the downtime months. Once January hits; however, we start really cracking down and really getting to work. We decide on charities, set up spreadsheets for prizes that vary from gold to actual physical items, assign staff to games and tournaments, the list goes on.

We love roleplay and hold it near and dear to our hearts. Nothing makes us happier in this game than knowing we could bring the server together and provide a week of entertainment and roleplay for everyone. But we can’t predict everything. When we began planning we did not even know what the prepatch was going to be like, we did not know when these things would begin happening. As much as we wish we could throw Tournament of Ages into its own special time bubble and avoid major plots that have already occurred, we have decided it is for the best we do not.

It would be far too difficult to control the entire server for this event, so we stick with canon time.

Burning of Teldrassil: We understand how hard this will be for the Night Elf community. Why would they want to show up is one of the major questions we get asked almost daily. But it is difficult to push this before the burning and expect the entire server to not acknowledge this. We want to remind people this is ICly run by Argents, a neutral faction. But we do have some ways for people to attend if they feel they do not know how.

1. Attend on a patriotic character by having them plan to give moral victory to their cause by beating the combatants from the other faction.

2. Attend on a character more aligned to peace or one of the neutral factions on Azeroth.

3. Attend OOC.

I understand this is not what everyone wants to see, but there is far too many logistics behind ToA to make such a last minute shift.

We have been asked why we choose to ignore the early release for those who preordered.

It would not be fair to exclude people who have not preordered, so we are choosing to keep with the lore we have been given and will not be counting it. We also do not want to release during expansion drop, obviously and want to keep ToA as the normal dates due to people, staff, and coordinators taking days off work to run and attend this. We are sorry for any confusion this may cause and hope you all still find ways to attend ToA if new reasons are needed.

I also would like to restate: Many Coordinators and Staff take time off work for this so we cannot change the IRL physical date to be sooner. We also have too many things listed and locked in date wise that regard charity.

We also would like to state that you do not have to follow our timeline. We as the coordinators and staff have set this time, but in the end it is your account and your character. If you want to show up and not acknowledge wars have happened yet, or previous server campaigns, you do not have to and we will not force you. But please understand that people may choose not to acknowledge you or that subject at least during roleplay.

I myself am just planning to not discuss the wars and such on my character when I attend unless the person speaking to me brings it up first. I just want to enjoy the hard work the community has put together to create various booths, games, and charity events.

I really hope this has answered some of your questions, if you have more you are welcome to reblog this and I will try to answer as soon as I can.

Tumblr: @jasteedawnsear

Discord: Cake#3482

In game: Pyreen (Horde)

Or just tag @ cake in the ToA discord. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all at Tournament of Ages!

Jul 16.2018 | 63notes -
posted by:aeriyth-dawnsorrow - via

The Highguard (Booth 8)



You have seen them previous years - Now is your chance to own those adorable squeaking plushes!


“ NEW! Armoured Silver Covenant Hippogryph Plushie: Proceeds go towards the Silver Covenant’s efforts throughout the Isles. When squeezed, the plushie chirps. “ (Artist: )

All their plushies give to a charity! So you are giving to a guild who gives back to the communities! (RP Gold, to RP Charities)


Originally posted by missmori

And for the low cost of two berries, they have Sprite Darter petting! The berries are to be paid to the darters, they set the price.

So come on down, get a plush, pet a darter and help a charity!

Jul 15.2018 | 6notes -
posted by:aeriyth-dawnsorrow - via
I'm in a certain blood elf RP guild and my guild leader hasn't really been available because he's dating a dumb girl in the guild who has a kid. I have nothing against single mothers, but If you're a single mother please stay the FUCK away from GMs, in fact, if you're a female in general, please don't take any sort of leadership position within a guild. Female GMs have -never- produced stable and viable guilds on MG. Too much drama, way too much drama. That's why I'm fucking gay.




Hi, this is about me (I’m Pyreen over on MG) and tbh I find this laughable. Primarily because we know no one currently in our guild thinks this way, so it was either someone who has been removed or someone from the outside trying to stir up trouble.

But thanks for the giggle ;)


Originally posted by carlosbaila


Jul 2.2018 | 34notes -
posted by:aeriyth-dawnsorrow - via
some     BODY     once     told     me    



bring back bead lizards


Jan 28.2018 | 89932notes -
posted by:aeriyth-dawnsorrow - via

Jan 26.2018 | 678notes -
posted by:aeriyth-dawnsorrow - via


“Laverne Cox becomes the first trans woman on the cover of Cosmopolitan!”

-  Affinity Magazine


Jan 25.2018 | 57038notes -
posted by:aeriyth-dawnsorrow - via


Thank you so much siffy you are amazing!

Jan 25.2018 | 2379notes -
posted by:aeriyth-dawnsorrow - via



could you please stop saying shit like this to me for like 5 minutes dude


Jan 25.2018 | 5731notes -
posted by:aeriyth-dawnsorrow - via